Sunday, 24 February 2013

Together at church

We made it to church today!  It was wonderful to be there with Josiah.  The last couple of Sundays Isaac has talked about Daddy, Mommy, Isaac, and Josiah being at church so Graham went to get Isaac from the toddler room after we arrived so that we could all be together and so Isaac could see his parents in church. 

Isaac went to church with his grandparents but we brought him home with us and it was the first time we've all been in the car together since July.  Until now I've always sat in the back seat to watch Josiah and make sure I can still hear the oxygen.  Actually, in church Graham asked me to check the oxygen and for some unknown reason it had turned off even though the lever that turns it off the tank was not attached.  It's a great reminder to keep listening for the oxygen.    

I was able to get some big belly laughs out of Josiah this afternoon.  I was throwing up a blanket and letting it come down over our heads and then I tickled Josiah's belly.  He was ecstatic.  

Thankfully, we were all able to have an afternoon nap.  Isaac keeps us laughing.  We asked him who should change his diaper.  He put on his thinking face, looked above his head, thought about it and said, "Grandpa" (who wasn't here).  At dinner time he was telling us that "His grace is enough" which we realized he remembered from singing at church.  I asked him whose grace is enough and he answered, "Mommy's."  Last night he went to sleep with underwear over top of his diaper.  I guess we're making progress if he's at least interested in underwear. 

About half an hour ago Josiah started crying and when we went to him he sounded congested and his sats plummeted.  We gave him Ventolin and I clapped on his chest for five minutes.  He hates the Ventolin mask.  However, he sleeps peacefully as I clap on his chest.  I always told him in the hospital that he was getting a massage when he had chest physio.  He's sleeping now and his sats have risen.

It's time to say goodnight.  Thank you so much for your prayers and support!



Philippians 4:13
For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.  

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth, my grandson is six months old and has sever asthma, he doesnt like the mask either. They now have blue tubbing for him that they just have to hold up to his face. He will actually at times put it in his mouth. It works great, he doesnt cry anymore when he has treatments, up to 6 times a day. Maybe you can try it
