Thursday, 20 December 2012

A great day

Isaac and Josiah sharing a laugh
Last night was a better night and it's been a great day.  Josiah was happy for most of the morning.  Isaac lay down beside Josiah on his mat and Josiah thoroughly enjoyed the company of his big brother.  He actually laughed at Isaac.  It was lovely to see.  Josiah spent quite a bit of time on his mat doing exercises with his nurse and also sitting with support and even turning the pages of a soft book.

A friend from church came over and played with Isaac this morning.  This was a great blessing as it allowed Graham to nap while I prepared for our lunch visitors.  Graham has done the late feeding shift these last couple of nights while I slept.   

It was wonderful to see my cousin from Switzerland today.  My parents and nieces were also able to join us for lunch.  A dessert that was delivered to my home yesterday was a pumpkin spice jelly roll with cream cheese filling.  When I saw it I thought it would be perfect to serve my cousin though I didn't know if she liked pumpkin.  It just so happens that my cousin loves pumpkin and actually takes pumpkin with her back to Switzerland as it's hard to find where she lives so it was the perfect treat (and very delicious).

Isaac had his two-year doctor's checkup today.  He is apparently slightly taller than average and slightly below average for weight thus it was suggested that we keep giving him homogenized milk instead of changing him to a lower fat milk (just in case you were wondering what type of milk we give him!)    

Graham's parents came this afternoon and other friends dropped by later on to bless us. 

I was changing Isaac's diaper and he told me, "Daddy lied."  I said that Daddy didn't lie but he repeated, "Daddy lied."  I said, "What did Daddy lie about?" and he responded, "Daddy lied bed Isaac".  Yes, last night when Isaac called Graham in after we had already said goodnight, he asked Graham to lie down beside him.  Graham may have held out and said no except that Isaac says, "little bit" in the cutest possible way so Graham "lied" a "little bit" beside Isaac on the bed.

Josiah was not happy from around 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM.  We gave him morphine and blow by and he eventually settled but it's certainly not nice to listen to him moan for so long while rocking him and trying to find the perfect position that will help to calm him.

Graham and I actually sat on the couch and watched a movie the other night.  We would stop it every so often to make sure we weren't hearing Josiah cry but apart from that it was just nice to do this as it has been a while.   
It's time to say good-night.  Thank you all for your support and prayers.  We are truly blessed beyond measure.  God's love has been demonstrated to us in countless ways. 




  1. Love the precious picture of the brothers enjoying each other! we continue to pray for you. hugs.

  2. I love the pic of the boys together. So precious! Celebrating a good night and a great morning with you! The little "lie" story made me laugh out loud, it's now likely to spread through the church that Graham is a "lier" Unfortunately, this may get him ousted from the board :)

    Yesterday the daily reading was Psalm 139, I can't read it without thinking of Josiah, "you saw me before I was born, Every day of my life was recorded in your book, every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me Oh God! They are innumerable. I can't even count them"

    Although I don't understand it, I know this for sure, Even during those "5:30-7:30" seasons, God has Josiah (and you) on His heart! Hugs today.

  3. So excited to hear about Josiah starting to sit with assistance :) That is great progress! Way to go Josiah!

    And the photo of the two boys is so sweet.

    -Jenn L.

  4. Hello Elizabeth and Graham.

    Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
    Praise Him, all creatures here below;
    Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
    Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

    Every good and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1 v 17.

    It is wonderful to see Josiah so content looking over at Isaac lying by his side and sharing a laugh. May they have many more happy times together on the mat. Josiah looks so good in his outfit. The colours make me think of spring. As Josiah continues to develop and progress with his exercises and his little hands turn the pages of soft books, Isaac will be able to point out and name the animals, birds etc. and share his knowledge and feel good that he is helping Josiah.
    Elizabeth, you made me laugh out loud yesterday when you just put Josiah’s nappy on top of the previous one in the middle of the night. Despite you needing to sleep, you rectified the matter. Congratulations on accomplishing the delicate sterile heplocking of Josiah’s PICC line as you carry it out tomorrow without the nurse. Have a marvellous day of Christmas celebrations tomorrow. Praying that Isaac will say his prayers before he goes to sleep in the afternoon and at night time and will thank and praise God as many times as he wants to during the day, and will sleep securely and safely and wake up in a relaxed manner when it is time to get up. My prayers to our Heavenly Father in Jesus’ name and in the power of the Holy Spirit that Josiah’s breathing improves and he becomes more relaxed and comfortable at all times and will join in as you celebrate the birth of Jesus. God’s richest blessings, and a good and safe night’s sleep to all. Thank you God.

    Christ comes first in Christmas. Jesus, God's gift, the world should accept.

    Love and prayers from auntie Julia.
