Sunday, 23 December 2012

Almost made it

Well, we almost made it to church this morning.  We had to go by Elizabeth's brother's place to drop off Josiah's oxygen concentrator and some of his meds before we got to church.  Unfortunately when we got to their home we realized we had forgotten his supply of milk for the day at our house.  So, as we were already running quite late, we headed back home to pick up the milk and then returned to Elizabeth's brother's to setup Josiah's equipment and relax before the rest of the family returned from church.  It sounds like we missed a great worship service.  It would have been amazing to be with friends and family the Sunday before Christmas.  Perhaps next year...

The afternoon and evening was another fun time with the Lucas clan.  Isaac went with his cousins and aunts and uncles for a long walk in the cold (well, he was on a wagon) while his Daddy snoozed and his Mommy watched Josiah.  It is fun to watch Isaac interact with his cousins and to follow along with everything they are doing.  He seemed to go down well tonight at his aunt and uncle's, so hopefully it is a not-too-early morning for them tomorrow.  

We are now preparing for the big outing to SickKids tomorrow morning so I will sign off for now.  Hopefully it is an uneventful time, and that we can have a relaxing Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with our family.

Thanks for all your prayers.



1 comment:

  1. Graham and Elizabeth, we will carry you in our prayers tomorrow! Rest well now.
