Tuesday, 4 December 2012

NG tube troubles

We need to get a little more sleep.  We're going to try staggering when we go to bed.  One of us will go to bed early while the other one does the 9:00 PM feed.  Then the first person will get up around 11:40 PM to prepare for the midnight feed and be able to go back to bed around 12:40 AM.  We'll try this tomorrow night.

This morning a few family members dropped by for a visit, including a second cousin to play with Isaac.  We had two friends visit later in the day.

I was thinking earlier this week that I wasn't able to fulfill a tradition this year.  Each year a friend and I go to a pottery show and I buy a mug.  This would have been the fourth year.  I missed the Spring show as we had just arrived home with Josiah and I missed the fall show as we were at SickKids.  Well, my friend showed up today with a mug that she had bought for me at the show.  Wow!  Another friend came by tonight and helped get me get out of the house for the first time since returning to Kitchener.  I am blessed to have such wonderful and thoughtful friends.  

Our shift nurse said that he held Josiah too much yesterday as his back was hurting him last night.  Today we tried Josiah in our carrier and this worked well.  Our nurse was happy to give his arms a break.

We received a call from one of our awesome nurse practitioners at SickKids.  She was just checking in to find out how we were doing.  It was nice to hear her voice. 

We had been thinking that Josiah's NG tube was migrating a little but we discovered tonight that it has moved two inches out of his nose.  We can still hear the pop a little (when we are preparing to give his meds) so we're praying that it doesn't move any more until we can go to our outpatient clinic at the local hospital tomorrow morning, preferably after his 9:00 AM feed.  That way we'll have a two hour window before his next feed and medications are due.  They will insert the tube and then give Josiah an x-ray to ensure that the tube is in the correct place.

Josiah enjoyed tasting sweet potato today.  He was a beautiful mess.  I'm not making the food like I did with Isaac and the jars only last three days so we'll have sweet potato for the next couple of days and then we'll move on to blueberries or squash.  It's nice to see him take interest in food.

It's time to head to bed.  Our wonderful God supplies all our needs.  Thank you for blessing us by reading this blog and praying.  He hears you.




  1. I'm praying that the Lord gives His beloved sleep. All four of you! Hugs, rest well. xoxo

  2. Graham & Elizabeth i am so sorry to hear just 2 days ago what you have been going through all this time! I will pray God's best for you, and to know his peace that surpasses all understanding! Ian. K.

  3. Hi Graham and Elizabeth... I just finished reading several of your latest blogs (I've missed them for a while) I am so blessed as I read of your courage and faith as you walk this challenging journey. I know that God is faithful and His presence and peace will strengthen and sustain you daily.. Who really understands the ways of God but we do know everything that comes into our lives must be filtered through His love. Our prayers are with you!! Aunt Doris
