Monday, 17 December 2012

Prayers for a friend

Grandma F. came to help today so Graham and I both had a good rest and thankfully he's feeling quite a lot better.  Our regular nurse is going to be away tomorrow so a new nurse came today to learn from him and she'll be back tomorrow all day.  Isaac enjoyed making shapes in playdough with Grandma.

We had some visitors today.  Graham went and picked up an item I found on Kijiji that will hopefully help Josiah will his tummy time.  We'll put in the batteries and try it out tomorrow.  I am ever hopeful.

Isaac woke up screaming and crying after his nap today.  He's done this a few times over the last couple of months.  Nothing is wrong but he has a very difficult time calming down.  It's hard not to wonder what's going through his mind and whether or not all that's been happening with Josiah has something to do with it.  Please pray for him.  

I was very sad to find out that a baby I had known at SickKids passed away two weeks ago.  She had been at SickKids since a week before we arrived at the end of July.  Please pray for her family.  I can't imagine the pain her mother is feeling now.  I'm praying that she'll know the comfort and peace that only Jesus can give. 

Thank you for your support and prayers. 




  1. Isaac may be experiencing "night terrors". Natasha did the same thing at about 2 1/2 yrs old, especially at nap time, and especially if she was overtired. It was a real struggle for her to calm down, until we were able to teach her to pray and ask Jesus to help him control her emotions. I imagine it's just an age and stage thing, and not because of everything else going on at home. Love and prayers, Christine

  2. Hi Graham and Elizabeth: I'm hooked up again (computer!!!) after not having this piece of tech for over 3 wk.- basement had to be redone with insulation etc. No word from us does not mean no prayer and we have continued to talk to God. May He bless you in this season with not only love, hope and peace, but with miracles all along the way. I'm catching up on your blogs, although I got to sneak some here and there. Your diligence and faithfulness have been a gift from God. Love and prayers throughtout the day, J.E.
    I loved seeing you at church - am sure you felt at "home"
