Monday, 28 January 2013

A long night

Josiah woke numerous times during the night.  Early this morning he was coughing a lot, he sounded very congested and he was quite upset.  He slept on me for part of the night.  It's hard to think that we can't help him feel better.  We've given him Tylenol throughout the day, hoping that it will take the edge off any pain he may be having such as a sore throat.  We took out a lot of gas from his tummy early this morning (by pulling back air from his NG tube with a syringe) and that seemed to help as well.  He is having regular BMs again in case you were wondering.  

He actually had a pretty good day and didn't cough very often.  He slept a lot but he also enjoyed his oral feeds and had some time on his mat in which he turned himself perpendicular to the way I placed him down and he also turned onto his side.  The nurse noticed a difference in his movements and his eating since last week.  It's nice to see.

Isaac is spending another night with Grandma and Grandpa tonight.  They said he was in good form today.  He wasn't too excited to see us on FaceTime as he was watching Bob the Builder.  It's nice to know he's enjoying his time there. 

Please keep Josiah's cold in your prayers.  We pray that he will be able to breathe clearly throughout this cold and that this cold will not last.  

I was able to get some rest today and we're hoping for a good night's sleep.  Thank you for your love and prayers!



Psalm 16:11
You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth,
    My father (Harold Short) just put me on to your blog for Josiah. My folks have kept me apprised of your family goings ons over the years but I had not yet heard about your little boy. Praying for you and your family. We have a little boy who is nearly 8 months old and I feel for what you're going through. It's been years and years since we were in touch but I wanted to reach out to you now and let you know that there are prayers being said from you from places and people that you are not even aware of! From: Heather Short of the Harold and Mildred Short family ha(now it's Heather Morey).
