Thursday, 31 January 2013

He knows what we can handle

For most of January I was surprised that Josiah was not sick with our cold.  It hit me in the shower this morning that we couldn't possibly have dealt with Isaac and Josiah being sick at the same time (and keep our sanity).  It was nice to be able to focus on Isaac during the night when he was sick and now be able to focus on Josiah.  God knows what we can handle.  Thank You Lord!

Last night seemed better for Josiah.  He coughed but he didn't have a coughing fit that lasted an hour.  I assume the ventolin is helping.  On the other hand his sats are low.  I've never seen him try to scratch himself as much.  We gave him a few doses of Benadryl and he wore socks on his hands all night.  He still rubbed his face but at least his nails couldn't hurt his skin.  I thought I might be able to sleep in my bed last night but Josiah's sat monitor likes to ring off when I lie down.  So, I was on the comfy chair in his room and I was thanking God for the lovely man in Elmira who told me he knew just the chair I needed for nursing Isaac.  It reclines and works well for cuddle times or when Mommy needs to sleep beside the crib.     

Thankfully Josiah doesn't resist the ventolin mask.  It must feel good to breath it in and it's not on for too long.  I just hold it to his face.   

My parents were over this morning so that I could sleep and my pastor's wife came over this afternoon to bless Isaac with some fun play time and us with a lovely meal that Isaac devoured (well, he ate the carrots after he knew that he was in risk of losing out on dessert).  Josiah had a sleepy day.

We said goodbye to our nurse this afternoon and we'll welcome the new nurse tomorrow.  We're praying for a great transition.

Thank you for your love and prayers!



Isaiah 55:8
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.

1 comment:

  1. allister and Jean1 February 2013 at 14:53

    we send our love and are praying for Josiah , for all the care team (nursing , medical, family and friends) we think especially of Josiah's very lovely Mum .
    love Allister and Jean
