Saturday, 19 January 2013

Saturday nursing

I wish I had more to report these days; however, it's nice that things with Josiah are more stable.  Until the end of March we'll have a nurse Saturday mornings which is a great blessing.  I was with Isaac again last night so I napped this morning  while Graham bought some groceries and my parents played with Isaac.  This afternoon Graham was able to get a nap and Josiah also enjoyed a nap in Grandpa's arms.  

I tried giving Josiah peaches today but he wasn't too interested.  That may have been due to whatever was making him irritable this morning so we'll try peaches again tomorrow.  His favourite is definitely prunes so I gave him some of those tonight before his 6:00 PM feed.  He was able to last a little longer on his tummy this afternoon and he held his head higher.  It would be wonderful if he kept progressing in this way.  This past week we've noticed that he's been able to sit longer on someone's lap. 

I was hopeful that Isaac's fever was gone this morning but it returned this afternoon.  He is not a fan of Tylenol or Advil but at least he was able to keep them down today and he had a three hour nap.  I think three hours is about the longest he's slept in a row since Tuesday night.  His cough wakes him up.  I've kept changing my clothes as I've gone between Isaac and Josiah in order to try to minimize the spread of germs. 

Graham and I changed Josiah's face tapes tonight.  At one point he actually grabbed the untaped NG tube but we were able to grab him before he yanked it very far.  We're trying to tape just the one side of his face and it seems to be working.  The other side of his face is still a little red so hopefully we can figure out what to do about that. 

Thank you for your continued prayers for health in our home.  We also ask for prayer for wisdom as Graham and I make decisions about Josiah's care. 



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