Wednesday, 2 January 2013


Someone out there must have prayed for smiles because we received quite a few of them today from Josiah!   It was a good day.  Josiah only had morphine at 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM.  Thankfully, he's also had BMs two days in a row.  He is more fussy this evening but we're going to see if Tylenol and Benadryl will help.  Gone are the days it seems when Josiah went to sleep right after his enox shot at 7:00.  It's nearing 10:00 PM and Graham is pushing him in the stroller.  Actually, we just discovered that he really likes the puppy that sings and dances to "It Makes Me Want to Shout."  He stared at it when it sang and as soon as it stopped he made a huge pout on his face and started to cry.  He immediately stopped when the puppy started singing again.  I guess that gives us another trick up our sleeves. 

He woke up around 1:30 AM last night but he fell asleep after I changed his diaper and then he slept until I knocked over the oxygen tank around 8:00 AM (it makes quite a loud noise).  He slept right through his 6:00 AM meds and feed.

Graham and I were planning to get a little more sleep this morning but then someone knocked on the door and there was the dietitian whom I had forgotten was coming.  I checked the calendar and realized that the social worker from Hospice was coming at 10:00 so we each washed and dressed instead.

Josiah lost a little weight.  This didn't surprise me given that we decreased his feeds.  As he is dehydrated we thought we'd increase his feeds again.  We expect he'll tolerate it.

The social worker from Hospice was very helpful.  Our main questions were about Isaac and how to talk to him about what's going on.  We appreciated all that she had to say.  One very good point was not to just say to Isaac that Josiah is sick but to use the actual name of the disease (pulmonary vein stenosis, for example).  This is important as Mommy and Daddy also get sick but it's not the same thing.  

The doctor said my lungs sounded clear at my appointment today so I should be at the tail end of this cold.  We'll see how the night goes and then decide in the morning if Isaac will return tomorrow or the next day. 

We enjoyed some delicious homemade turkey soup for dinner.  Hopefully we'll be able to get to bed soon.  If we can't get Josiah to sleep in the evenings it's going to be very difficult for Graham and I to get enough sleep when Graham returns to work so please pray about this. 

Thank you for your prayers and support!



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