Tuesday, 23 October 2012

A rainy day

I like the rain.  I smiled as I walked to the hospital, getting wet.  Given the weather, I thought I'd post this song that first spoke to me a few years ago,  Casting Crown's "Praise You in the Storm":

I just had a cry as I read the story of the little girl who inspired this song.  She died of cancer, trusting Jesus until she saw Him face to face.  God deserves all praise.  I can sing, "You are who You are, no matter where I am." 

Josiah once again had his breathing tube retaped three times within twenty-four hours.  It's frustrating.  His fever went to at least 38.9 degrees today and then the ice and Tylenol brought it down.  He seems to spike fairly quickly.  Thankfully he did well during physio and he didn't have any major desats all day.  He gagged and vomited during his 3:00 PM feed this afternoon.  The nurse's desk is actually quite a distance from Josiah's bed so both times he vomited, I called the nurse over to help.  I looked up his new medicine tonight and it says that it can upset his stomach so I'll ask the pharmacist about this tomorrow.  Please pray against adverse effects of the medications.  The main goal for Josiah right now is to wean his ventilator settings and try to get him extubated. 

I had a nice visit with a friend today.  Today is the twelve week anniversary of our arrival in Toronto.  God has taken care of us every step of the way. 

Tonight Isaac is sleeping in a big bed at his grandparent's home and tomorrow night Graham and his dad will take down Isaac's crib and replace it with a bed.  Graham will take photos for me.  I wish I could be in two places at once tomorrow night.  My big boy keeps growing up.  The first week I arrived here, Isaac started calling me Mommy instead of Mama.  On the weekend I noticed that Papa is now Grandpa.

Today is the third time that I have met different parents who were once in the CCCU and are back visiting the hospital for a clinic visit.  It's nice to see them and hear that their babies are doing well.  The couple today is actually from Kitchener.

Have a good night!  Thank you for your prayers and support!



1 comment:

  1. Prayer and more prayer this wk for you, Elizabeth and Graham. God is IN control and sometimes it is even difficult to "see". Just going to spend more time seeking God for you. Love, J. E.
