Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Joy ride

I'm sad I don't have a picture to post tonight.  I left the camera card at the hospital.  I would have loved to show you a photo of our first venture out of the CCCU!  The charge nurse brought by a stroller today so I wheeled Josiah around the second floor two separate times.  In total he may have been in the stroller for around 40 minutes.  He wasn't smiling but I think that's because he was too busy taking it all in.  No doubt he was shocked to see a world outside his crib.  The first time he had some oxygen on for part of the trip but the second time he didn't have his nasal prongs on.  His numbers were great both times.  His sat probe was attached to a small portable machine that told me his sats and heart rate.  He also stopped all of his continuous infusions of medications and is completely off his heart medication.  His line is only being used for blood work right now.  Thank You Lord!

When I arrived this morning he was not happy and hadn't been happy all morning.  He's not sleeping well at night and doesn't sleep a lot during the day.  He didn't receive extra sedation overnight because he wasn't fussy but he didn't sleep well.  He's still getting fevers and his temperature spikes really quickly.  His temperature was around 37.6 degrees when it was checked and then not too long later it was 39.4 degrees.  That called for more ice and I wiped him with a cool cloth.   

... I just returned from the laundry room.  I had a nice chat with a woman from Kitchener.  They also arrived here on July 31st (the day we arrived from Kitchener).  They have three children and their youngest is at SickKids waiting for a bone marrow transplant as she has no immune system.  Her other two children enjoy playing with Isaac. 

Josiah had a hearing test today.  His right ear passed but his left ear did not.  That could either be because he is having hearing problems in his left ear or it's because he wouldn't stop moving and the test also timed out.  I'm so thankful that he at least has some hearing and he'll have further tests next Tuesday.

He was also referred to ENT (Ear Nose Throat) because the nurse practitioner thought his cry sounded weak this morning.  A couple of doctors came by and put a scope with a camera down his nose to check on Josiah's vocal cords.  They told me that everything looks good.  Yeay!!!  We should be able to try oral feeds soon.  The OT is coming to see Josiah tomorrow morning.

Josiah is scheduled to get the picc line in his arm removed at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon and get a new picc line inserted in his leg.  There will be some extra risk due to the fact that the end of the line is currently in the clot in his heart.  Thank you for praying about this procedure.

Tomorrow will be a busy day but hopefully we'll be able to have another joy ride in the halls.

He did have quite a few beautiful smiles later in the day.  Thanks for all your prayers!  We are incredibly blessed by all the support.  God is good. 



P.S. I'm sorry I'm not replying to emails.     


  1. Hello Elizabeth and Graham.

    Elizabeth, it is splendid that you took Josiah on his travels. Good to know that Josiah no longer needs his heart medication. I am praying to our gracious Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name and in the power of the Holy Spirit, that the procedures will go smoothly, as the doctors are guided by the Holy Spirit. Josiah’s temperature control works perfectly, and he sleeps well at night.
    Thanks and glory be to God.

    O praise the Lord, all ye nations: praise Him, all ye people.
    For His merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever. Praise ye the Lord.
    Psalm 117 verses 1 & 2.

    Love from your auntie Julia.

  2. Hi once again!
    Elizabeth you are amazing! You do well to take time to read the comments let alone reply. Reason for commenting is just to let you know we have not and will not ever forget about what you and Graham are going thro' since the birth of Josiah. Good news today! Be encouraged, we're believing with you for Josiah's miracle!

    Uncle Leonard & Aunt Joy
