Friday, 19 October 2012

More sedation

Josiah needed to be given chloral and two doses of ativan today to calm him down in order to get his saturation levels to improve.  He was very sensitive to any disturbance though he apparently had a very good physio session this morning.  He desatted to the 30s once today. 

He felt warmer to me at one point so I asked a nurse to check his temperature and it was 38.7 degrees so they took a blood sample in order to check for a culture.  He has needed extra pokes last night and today because his picc line wouldn't draw back blood but each lumin was TPA'd and thankfully they now both work. 

I was hoping to hold him today.  He hasn't been held in three weeks.  The nurse said I could try holding him when she weighed him but he didn't end up getting weighed and he seemed too sensitive anyway.  There were a number of sterile procedures happening in his room so I couldn't be in his room for a long time.

We received free tickets to the ROM so we are planning to take Isaac there tomorrow morning.  We heard that there is at least one area that is meant for his age group and we expect he'll enjoy it.  He woke up tonight when he arrived but he went back to sleep quite well.

Graham had a nice visit with Josiah tonight -- Josiah even gave some smiles at one point.  When Graham left, Josiah was resting peacefully and his numbers looked pretty good. 

Thanks again for all your prayers.



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