Friday, 12 October 2012

So close

Josiah's echocardiogram showed that there is turbulence in one of the veins that go from his lungs to his heart.  There is also turbulence in the collector area where these veins meet.  You may recall that these veins were rerouted as they used to go through his liver before they went to his heart.  I'm not sure what turbulence might indicate but they are trying to book Josiah for both a cardiac catheterization and an MRI on Monday.  As he will need to be intubated for these procedures, he's not going to be extubated until they have been completed.  So, the tube down his throat and the retaping on his face, and the suctioning will all continue. 

I'm thankful that I requested that he be NPO after his 6:00 AM feed as the original order was for 5:00 AM.  Thus, he only missed his 9:00 AM feed.

Once again Josiah was agitated earlier this morning and was therefore given chloral.  He slept all morning and was sleeping when I left him to come back to RMH to do some laundry.  I expect he may sleep all day again.  He's also been given two doses of tylenol as his temperature was climbing towards 38 degrees.  The nurse asked if I would like to start giving Josiah his medications.  I will sit down with the pharmacist next week and she'll explain everything to me and give me a chart so I know when to give him his oral medications (via NG tube).

I spoke with the dietitian.  Even though Josiah didn't gain much weight over a period of five days, if we look over a longer time frame, his average is pretty good.  He'll be weighed again today so that will give us more information.

Thanks for all your prayers.  I look forward to seeing Graham and Isaac later this evening.




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