Monday, 22 October 2012

Mommy's turn

I held Josiah late this afternoon.  I'm afraid I actually said to the nurse that it was non-negotiable.  His numbers were good, he didn't have a fever, and he was awake and calm.  It was nice to have him in my arms after more than three weeks.

This morning he was given chloral to help him to be calmer during the echocardiogram and later he had ativan as he was quite agitated.  He also had tylenol due to his fever.  Thus he was asleep most of the day.

The echocardiogram showed that the clot has not grown.  During rounds I heard the staff physician say that the clot is not mobile.  The medical team has decided not to do anything about the clot at this time (he is already on the anticoagulant medication).

They are starting Josiah on a medication that should help dilate his pulmonary veins in the hope that it will help him to desat less.  He is back on the ventilator wean to try to move towards extubation.

Thank you for your prayers!



1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth, I am so glad you had the chance to hold Josiah again (I also got a little chuckle out of the "non-negotiable" part). We continue to pray for all of you: for peace, strength, and healing.
