Thursday, 11 October 2012

Extubation Tomorrow

The plan is for Josiah to be extubated tomorrow morning.  Tonight at 12:00 AM he'll have his first dose of a steroid which should help if his trachea is swollen at all due to the tube.  He'll have his 6:00 AM feed and then he'll be NPO (nothing passes orally) until he is extubated around 10:00 or 11:00 AM.  It sounds like the CPAP mask will be close at hand when he's extubated but they may try to start him off in only an oxygen tent.  It would be amazing if he didn't need the mask, a.k.a. a windstorm, on his face.  After he is extubated he'll be NPO for another three or four hours. 

He was quite sleepy today but he did open his eyes to see his grandparents.  I was told that he was agitated around 4:00 AM and he was feverish so he was given ativan.  The nurse said that might have been the reason that he was sleepy all day.  He's still getting a low dose of morphine every 8 hours and clonidine every 6 hours but the morphine wean may start again tomorrow. 

He was weighed last night but he hasn't gained much weight over the last five days.  I'm going to speak with the dietician about this tomorrow to see if there's a way to increase or optimize his feeds.  He is currently receiving 85 millilitres of portagen every three hours.  I gave him a few of his feeds today.  He was getting them by a pump but I asked to try him off the pump, just using gravity and his NG tube and he tolerated it well. 

The team consulted with EP (electrophysiology) regarding Josiah's arrhythmia yesterday afternoon.  I believe they are recommending that Josiah should start taking a new medication but I should find out more tomorrow.

He had ice on his head most of the day but he didn't spike any high temperatures.  He 's going to have an echocardiogram tomorrow morning because the last one didn't get a good view of his pulmonary veins. 

I saw Aleeda's mom today and things took a small turn for the better.  She was encouraged.

Isaac turned 22 months today!  I look forward to giving him a cuddle tomorrow night when he arrives.

Please pray that Josiah's extubation goes well and lasts.  Thank you for reading, praying, and supporting us.  A friend of mine reminded me of one of my favourite verses tonight.  Isaiah 41:13 says, "For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee." 



1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth and Graham,
    Wishing you God's richest blesssings today. I will be praying for Josiah regarding his extubation today. May God continue to be ever present in your lives and give you strength and comfort where needed. I'll bet that Isaac will be looking forward to that cuddle time tonight as well. Have a blessed day.
    Linda Koepke
