Friday, 12 October 2012

Peppermint Mocha Latte ...

... with whipped cream no less ... AND a raspberry truffle cake pop!

What could I possibly have done to deserve such decadence?

For the first time, I successfully gave Josiah his enoxaparin injection.  It actually took me two tries so perhaps the cake pop wasn't justified but may God bless whoever invented such deliciousness.

I have a lot of favourite nurses and today's nurses were definitely on the list.  They had Josiah when he was at his worst.  It was nice to be able to give Josiah his needle with them supervising.  They talked me through it.  It was probably a little stressful for them waiting for me to finally push the needle.  It's just a small insulin needle that's used.  The first time I barely pricked him and then realized that I needed to use quite a bit more pressure but the second time went well.  I think it's going to take quite a few more times before this becomes comfortable but thankfully Josiah doesn't seem to mind the injections.  I practiced my fingering on an orange a number of times today.  I thank the Lord for helping me!   

Graham and Isaac are on the way so I bid you good-night and thank you for your prayers!




  1. You definitely deserve every "sweet" thing anyone gives you Elizabeth! You are a trooper and an inspiration! I hope you have a great weekend with ALL your boys. Hugs to all. Praying always! M

  2. A reward richly deserved and I'm glad you took it! You shall have to ask my mum about learning to give herself blood thinner injections in her stomach the first time she came to visit in Geneva and broke her foot (on the first day). She also believed in rewards!
    I'm writing this from the airport in Athens, where I am waiting for a flight to the island of Kos where I have a meeting until Wednesday. I am sorry I haven't written more frequently lately, but I still check the blog every day, first thing in the morning, which is usually just a couple of hours after you have written it with the time difference. I'm keeping all of you in my prayers and send much love. I wish I could buy you one of those peppermint mocha lattes. Blessings from your cousin. N.
