Monday, 15 October 2012


It was quite disappointing to find out this morning that Josiah would not be having his MRI and catheterization today and he wasn't able to fit into the schedule until Thursday morning.  He missed his 6:00 AM and 9:00 AM feeds as we were waiting to find out if he would be taken today.  The unexpected is always a little hard to take.  It seems funny the way my mind works but desats and arrhythmias are not a surprise but I thought Josiah would be in for his procedures at least by Tuesday.

I went for a walk but I don't think it was too helpful.  However, I was encouraged to hear during rounds that Josiah was stable enough to have his four month vaccines which he missed.  That's one more thing checked off my list.  I left at 7:00 PM but then it hit me around 9:30 PM that I should have stayed in order to be with him when he received his vaccines.  I remember Isaac getting his vaccines and they were painful.  I called his night nurse and it was wonderful to hear that he did very well with his immunizations.  I forget what it's called but they applied a cream on his thighs that provided a numbing effect to help decrease the pain of the needle.  It's great to know that God is always with Josiah.

It also helps to know that God is always with Isaac.  Mondays are a little hard on him as they are the transition day.  He has Mommy all weekend and then he just sees me on a screen twice a day for the rest of the week.  It's working ... it's just that Mondays are harder for him and of course for his loving and patient grandparents.  It also seems like he's teething so perhaps that's the bigger issue.

Thanks for keeping us in your prayers!




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