Saturday, 20 October 2012

Fun at the ROM

Isaac had a fun time at the Royal Ontario Museum this morning.  There's a discovery area for young children where he enjoyed playing and he liked the dinosaur skeletons and all the animals he saw.  I love watching him play and learn new things.  The only negative repercussion was that his sleep schedule was thrown out the window so we were paying for it around dinner time.  I hope he will sleep through the night.

Josiah's day was similar to yesterday.  He's had another fever and was cultured.  His sats are currently low 70s and he's on 65% oxygen.  His sats are not very stable as he desats when he gets agitated which happens easily.  The nurse told Graham that he wasn't stable enough to hold today.  More movement also causes Josiah to cough and have more secretions and need more suctioning so there are a few reasons why holding Josiah isn't ideal.  I just can't imagine being in a bed so long.

Isaac is sleeping and Graham is with Josiah so I'm typing in the washroom and listening to music - currently the hymn "I Surrender All".  Now it's "Give me Jesus" and "Never Once".

I love Steven Curtis Chapman's song "Our God is in Control"  The first part reads:

This is not how it should be.
This is not how it could be.
But this is how it is,
And our God is in control.

This is not how it will be,
When we finally will see.
We'll see with our own eyes,
He was always in control.

And we'll sing holy, holy, holy is our God.
We will finally really understand what it means.
So we'll sing holy holy holy is our God
While we're waiting for that day. 

I can't imagine doing this without Jesus.  I'm going to sign off.  I'd like to start rereading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  It starts out with the memory of her toddler sister dying and how the family "snapped shut to grace."  I love the poetry of her words.  I need her reminder that "there's a reason I am not writing the story and God is.  He knows how it all works out, where it all leads, what it all means.  I don't."  I also think it might help me cry.  I'm not losing hope, it would just be nice to have a good cry.

Graham just emailed to say that after a retape and suctioning Josiah's sats are in the high 70s.  Thank You Lord!

Thanks for your prayers and support!




  1. Dear, dear Elizabeth,
    I hope you were able to have a "good" cry. There's a reason they call it a good cry Elizabeth, it's a good thing to let your emotions out, there's a healing that comes with it. There's not one tear that you shed for your little boy that's lost Elizabeth, God saves every one of them. Lamentations say, Pour out your heart before the Lord for the sake of your children. You are lamenting what is, while hanging on to what will be. You are a precious reminder to me Elizabeth that even in the worst of circumstances, Jesus is enough. We love you all. Always praying.
    xo M

  2. Hi Elizabeth and Graham,

    sorry this is our first contact with you since little Josiah was born, but we've kept updated by Dad, (Moffitt). We simply want you to know that we keep Josiah in our prayers, but we also keep you both never mind Issac in there too.
    Although we only had to deal with hospitals etc for 3 months with the twins, we know the tiredness, noise of buzzers and of course the unknown is so very hard to deal with! We can only imagine you are missing each other terribly as well as missing litle Issac, never mind your heart breaking for Josiah with his rollercoaster ride.
    As you wrote in this latest blog Elizabeth, crying is required and sometimes we need reminded that crying is ok and allowed, even as Christians. We know Jesus wept and just like him, God was watching you when you wept and continue to weep. BUT, God promises in Psalms, he stores every tear in a bottle and we thank our Father God for that.
    You are being so brave and strong, keep going and we will all keep taking you to God in prayer.

    Sending you our love and admiration,
    Reuben, Lynsey, Faith and Rosie.

  3. Dear Elizabeth and Graham,
    I met you at the RMH in Sept. and have prayed for you many times as you come to mind and especially since starting to read your blog. Your beautiful faith and trust in our loving Heavenly Father brings Him great glory. I am so thankful God knows the whole story and continues to give hope and strength and light for each day.
    My grandson, Jakob, is continuing to recover and we are grateful.
    Love, Linda ( )

  4. Hi Graham and Elizabeth

    LOVE SO AMAZING! That kind of love is so evident in your blog... for the Lord and your family. How you have strength left at the end of EVERY day to post your blog is unbelievable!! We continue to stand with you as you walk through this journey praying as the songwriter pend...One day at a time, sweet Jesus that's all we're asking of You, give them the strength to do what they have to do.

    Uncle Leonard & Aunt Joy
