Unfortunately Elizabeth and I are sitting in Josiah's room in the PICU at McMaster Hospital in Hamilton. Late this afternoon Josiah's breathing became quite laboured and he started throwing up. We ended up calling 911 and he was taken to our local hospital for preliminary checks. They ended up arranging his flight to McMaster at around 9:00 PM (first helicopter ride for Elizabeth and Josiah!).
They think it is his cold that has caused this latest turn of events. The main concern right now is his laboured breathing. They want to avoid intubation as much as possible, so they have opted for larger nasal prongs with 8L of air/minute. If that doesn't provide the relief they want to see, then they will look at using CPAP. We'll be discussing all options with the doctors over the next few days, so we need God's wisdom in all of this.
Thankfully my parents were visiting us today, so they looked after Isaac after Elizabeth and I had to leave for the hospital this afternoon. Later in the evening he went over to Elizabeth's parents and will be there the next few days while we get our bearings. We are so blessed to have wonderful family so close and ready to help when needed.
Elizabeth and I will be camped out in his room tonight, but I think they will look into the local Ronald McDonald House for tomorrow.
Thanks everyone for your prayers! We appreciate all the love and support this past year, and continue to pray for a miracle in Josiah's life. We also continue to pray for divine wisdom as we're once again faced with some major decisions regarding Josiah's care.
Just want you to know we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Let us know if we can help in any way. In His hands.