Wednesday, 1 May 2013


A while ago I made up a short song for Isaac about giving people two thumbs up to encourage them because they did a great job.  Every so often at our kitchen table he'll put two thumbs up and ask me to sing the song.  This happened this morning.  At the end I asked him who we should give two thumbs up to.  He thought about it and said, "God."  We sang the song again for God. 

This afternoon Isaac came into Josiah's room with a book saying, "I know this one."  He showed me the cover of the book that he'd found on his shelf and then told me the letters: B-I-N-G-O.  He remembered the song so he could tell me that it spelled Bingo when I asked him.  He was quite excited.

Isaac went on a long walk this afternoon with his volunteer who comes on Wednesdays.  He saw ducks, and dogs, and a rabbit. 

Isaac likes his daddy's jokes; he keeps asking Graham to repeat them.  I am not sure how a two year old thinks he knows more than his parents but he is already hard to convince if he thinks he is right.  Graham was trying to convince Isaac that a cocoon is not called a raccoon but I don't think he was successful. 

It was a gorgeous day.  We went to the grocery store this morning to pick up some things.  Josiah had a long walk with his nurse.  He ate a good lunch and a large supper. 

It's time for Josiah's last meds and then I'm off to sleep.   Isaac has a cold but mine is on its way out.

Thanks so much for your prayers!



2 Thess 3:3
But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.

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