Sunday, 5 May 2013

Sunday morning sunshine

It looks like another beautiful day out there. 

Josiah had a fairly good night, but was certainly up quite a bit, as coughing seems to be painful and wakes him up.  Elizabeth and I got a bit of sleep on the pull-out couch, and just had some delicious bagels from the downstairs cafe. 

They put Josiah back on feeds, but have him on continuous feeds at 30 ml/hour, which is about equal to the 100 ml every 3 hours he has at home.  He seems to have tolerated the slow feeds which is a promising sign.

Thankfully we brought our meds for last night and this morning as the pharmacy here won't be open until this morning.  We were also glad that the paediatrician on call at Grand River yesterday was the one we had worked with in January when we took him to emerg.  She is really lovely, and even shares the same birthday with Josiah.

They tried 4 times at Grand River to get an IV into Josiah but were never successful.  The staff at McMaster have avoided trying to give him one for now.  Thankfully he's able to get hydrated through his feeds, and we can still use the NG tube for meds.

The resident spoke with us last night and they are still under the assumption that Josiah has a viral infection.  He reminded us that day 3 is usually when it is the worst, so that'll be around tomorrow.  The staff will do their rounds later today, so perhaps we'll have more to report after then.  For now, we're camped out in our lovely room in PICU (nice and spacious, with big windows that let us see the sunshine).

We trust you all have a wonderful Sunday.  Thanks again for all your prayers.



1 comment:

  1. Up at 5:00 praying for all of you. Praying and praying....Thankyou so much for an early morning posting. You might not realize how appreciated this is. God is holding Josiah in Hisa arms and how thankful we are. Just think that God has all of these days in control! We cannot know how special Josiah is to His heavently Father. Much love
