Sunday, 16 June 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

We left home before church started this morning but unfortunately we forgot about a road closure so we were stuck waiting in traffic for a while.  Josiah lasted longer than usual in the service and after that he was content for me to push him back and forth in the stroller while I stood at the door listening to the sermon.

I confess that I was wondering if we made the right choice about asking for a nurse before she showed up but she was lovely and it certainly helped to have her here while we prepared for our picnic.  We all went to Victoria Park along with my parents and my brother and sister-in-law and our nieces.

Josiah has seemed to be "spaced out" a few times today but I'm hoping it's because we keep waking him up right after he falls asleep (when we arrived at church and then when we arrived home and when we left for the park and arrived at the park).  On the one hand it's tempting to let him sleep and I could just stay in the car with him or stay home with him but then he would miss out on great things.  During the week, he usually gets to sleep when he wants to sleep.

Often I wonder why this life is so tiring.  The little guy just has a couple of extra tubes ... and a few other challenges.  Graham thought that part of it is that we are limited as we need to think about Josiah's next feed and meds every few hours.  Along the same vein, I think this life is mentally taxing just because there are so many extra things to think about.  They may not be difficult things but there are a lot of details that we don't want to miss.  Even little thoughts like, "If we ever have to go to the ER, we need to make sure we grab Josiah's drugs because it can take a while before we can get them."  Thankfully we thought of that the last time.  It was even great that we took them to McMaster because we couldn't get one of his drugs there.

A friend with three small children dropped off a lasagna for us!  She is a Super Mom!  Thank you!

Thank you so much for your prayers!  Isaac and Josiah are blessed to have the best daddy and grandpas and of course, I am so blessed to have them all in my life.  God's gifts are amazing. 



Proverbs 16:24
Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.

P.S. I've included a photo of the picture Isaac made for Graham in Sunday School.  I think this displays his advanced understanding of the gender roles. ("My daddy likes to go to work.  Mommy likes to colour.")


  1. All of those "fathers" are amazing in your life, Elizabeth, but you are amazing, as waell. God's strength is a miracle in your life from day to day. He will sustain you and always walk withyou....Ig He takes care of the birds each day, then He knows that we take one day at a time as well. Your blogs are an honour to God. May He bless your wk with miracles all along the way. We are all so blessed that when we know nothing, we have someone to trust who knows it all. Praying even when away. Much love.

  2. I am wondering if all of this fresh air makes Josiah more sleepy as well. Much love
