Friday, 7 June 2013


The vaccinations were as expected.  Josiah had three shots in his arms.  He certainly cried more than when the shots were in his thighs.  I held each site down for five minutes.  That's what I was told to do when he had his RSV shots because of the anti-coagulant he receives.  I'm just guessing that I should do the same thing for other shots.

I've just come from calming down Isaac.  He said there was something on his wall - a pig.  A funny pig that laughs.  I put on his lights and showed him that there wasn't a pig.  He likes to say, "I need help." when he doesn't want me to leave.  I helped him by getting him a little drink of water.  I hope the imaginary pig will be quiet. ... He just decided it was time to try to do #2.  While on the toilet Josiah started crying so I went and calmed him down.  Isaac is now back in bed.

By the way, Isaac astounded me with his dancing tonight.  He was River Dance.  He gets inspired after his bath.  I tried to video it but he stopped.  He even had the hand movements along with the footwork.  

It seems like the medical system may have at least an ounce more hope for Josiah.  Sadly, I catch my inner voice telling me to expect the worst and to brace myself.  Lord, please help me to just rest in You and to "trust You without reservation."  "He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has."  (Epictetus)  I have so much.

We gave Josiah a little Tylenol at 10:30 as we were wondering if he was starting to feel warmer.  We are to watch for a fever as a reaction to the drugs.  

Thank you for your prayers!  Isaac is calling ...



Isaiah 55:12
You will go out in joy
    and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills
    will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field
    will clap their hands.

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