I set my alarm so I would be sure to change Josiah's NG tube this morning. We did it around 8:00 AM as I like Graham to be here. Graham prayed for it to happen the first time and I think it was the best we've done so far. I do find it easier to insert the tube into his left nostril than the right one. It's been quite a while since he's pulled out his tube so I think we've improved our taping a lot since we first returned home. Thankfully we figured out which tapes cause him the least irritation.
Isaac had a good time using the watering can to water our plants outside. He enjoyed getting water from the rain barrel. Isaac said, "No!" very loudly to me today and then later to Graham. He likes to test us. We need continued wisdom in raising our boys.
My dad and Josiah had a lovely nap together on the chair in his room this afternoon. Josiah falls asleep to Grandpa's songs.
I can't remember if I previously wrote this but Josiah is now turning himself around in the
exersaucer to some extent so that's nice to see. He's still trying to turn over in his bed.
We like putting the oximeter on Josiah at night as it will alert us if his oxygen sats go lower than usual. I have to put it on his toe after he falls asleep or he would take it off right away. Usually he wakes up at night at some point and he seems to immediately go for the cord that's attached to his toe. He takes it off (he can get his socks off too) and then the sensor beeps off. Most babies do not have tubes attached to them so sleeping is a little more hazardous for him. I've walked into his room and found tubes around his neck. That's another reason that it's nice to have the oximeter on but it's certainly not good for my sleep to wake up when he wakes up. Last night the sensor went off sometime after 1:00 AM so I put the machine off and left him. Around 4ish, either he or Isaac cried out (the nights are always blurry) but before I went back to bed I watched Josiah breathing and it seemed really shallow so I put the sensor back on him. It went off again shortly after 5:00 AM when he woke up so I went in again and put it off. Not ideal.
Tonight I went in a couple of times and found the tubes all over the place. I put a bean bag on the tubes but that doesn't stop him. He's a lovely, cheeky boy.
Thank you so much for your prayers!
Proverbs 17:6
Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged; parents are the pride of their children.
You are amazing and peraservering parents. We pray for blessings all summer long. Much love.