Sunday, 30 June 2013


It was a great day.  We made it to church this morning and although Josiah didn't last too long in the service, he fell asleep quickly in another room where I was able to listen to the sermon.  I did have a nice daydream while I was holding him and singing in the service.  I daydreamed that I looked down at him and his lips had turned red, really red.  His lips have only ever been red once - when he was on ECMO in the hospital because all of his blood was being oxygenated (outside of his body).  It actually looked weird and bizarre in the hospital, of course he was also completely sedated and muscle relaxed and at risk of having a stroke.  Anyway, I thought that would be a pretty nice way for Josiah to get healed!

Josiah ate well during all of his meals.  Usually he fusses a lot between bites at dinner but tonight he was happy.  The nurse today was also here last Sunday and she has tons of experience and loves to cuddle babies.  Josiah enjoyed being cuddled so we all had a nice nap this afternoon.  The weather was perfect so after supper we enjoyed some time in the backyard.  Graham gave Isaac a little glove and ball today.  His eyes lit up when we gave it to him.  He needs a little practise.

Both boys went to sleep well and usually they are down until the morning.  We're not sure what we're doing tomorrow for Canada Day as it sort of depends on the weather and how we're feeling.  We don't have a nurse tomorrow.

Thanks so much for your prayers!



Proverbs 30:5
Every word of God proves true.  He is a shield to all who come to him for protection.

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