We were very tired this morning and decided that we needed to rest at home. We may have received some wisdom due to this time change. We decided to skip Josiah's midnight feed last night and we gave him his drugs at 11:30 instead of 12:00. Josiah woke up happy and laughing. Skipping the feed meant that we had an extra milk on hand so we also didn't make up the new milk until this morning, after his 6:00 AM feed, thus giving us one less thing to do in the evening. The dietitian comes this Friday so I'll ask her if we can fortify the six feeds from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM and skip the midnight feed permanently. We certainly don't want to deprive Josiah but if he can continue to gain weight with one less feed, everyone will probably benefit with the increase in our sanity and energy.
This afternoon my mother-in-law and I attended a lovely celebration for a baby girl on the way. We look forward to meeting her soon. It was so nice to see so many family members whom I haven't seen in months. This baby girl will be enveloped in love by the wonderful Martin family.
Isaac eagerly went with Grandma and Grandpa F. to their home this afternoon. It was cute to watch him pulling his suitcase through our hallway. That reminds me that it was also cute to see him enjoying the mud puddle on our sidewalk (I'm afraid this mom is smitten - there's not a whole lot about my boys that I don't find cute - whining and screaming are on that list though - both of which were happening this morning).
It seems easier to make Josiah laugh these days. He also seems sleepier. The last two mornings he has gone back to sleep shortly after his 6:00 AM feed and has slept for another hour and a half.
It's time to head to bed. Thank you very much for your prayers.
Colossians 1:15
"Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation ..."
So glad you had a fun family day (and a relaxing time-change) :) We've been enjoying all your photos lately! Your photo-shoot pictures all turned out wonderfully :) Praying for you, -Jenn & family