Wednesday, 6 March 2013


Today is Day 3 of the Faulkner Potty Training Camp and I had no messes to clean up.  Thank You Lord!  Isaac went on the potty when the timer rang and a couple of times he told me he needed to go to the potty.  The human brain is an amazing thing to be able to figure this out.  He's still not allowed to sit on the couch but we're making great progress.  Isaac uses the potty and then finds me and asks me to come and see. 

Isaac starts his prayers at each of our meals and then we help him finish his prayer.  If we forget to pray for Josiah, he adds, "Touch Baby." 

A friend came over today for lunch and a visit.  It was great to catch up with her. 

We had a nurse here tonight so I decided to forget my regular to-do list and go and see my friend's new house.  She actually moved in on July 31st which is when I planned to show up and congratulate her.  Instead, I was at SickKids with Josiah as I rushed him to the local hospital that morning and we were transferred by ambulance later that day.  I was next home on November 22nd and it's taken me over three months to go and see her beautiful home.  It was a quick visit but very nice to connect.

Josiah didn't eat well today and his colour has not been great.  He's been sleeping well at night so that is a blessing.  He did have fun in his exersaucer and on his mat this morning.

Thank you so much for your prayers.  God is graciously meeting all our needs in abundance.



So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.  And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.

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