Thursday, 28 March 2013

Ducks, puddles, and toes

Isaac looking at ducks
Last night was a better night and today was a better day though it's actually a bit of a blur.  Isaac saw all of his grandparents again today.  He went for a walk with his Grandpa F. and saw ducks and had fun in a large mud puddle.  It doesn't get much better than that when you're two years old.  

The dietitian came this morning.  Josiah had gained weight since her last visit but only a very small amount.  We're going to increase the feeds a little.  She thought that his early afternoon irritability may be due to the PEG we give him with his noon feed to help him have BMs.  Usually people are on a lot more fluid when they take that medication.  Thankfully Josiah didn't moan as much this afternoon.  The highlight tonight was seeing Josiah getting his toes into his mouth for the first time.  That's my boy!

Josiah enjoying his toes
Last night he actually had sats in the 80s at times.  It doesn't mean a lot but it's always nice to see.  When I was last in his room his sats were 65.

I'm falling asleep so I'll say goodnight.  I did have great news today.  The pharmacist emailed me and said that I can give his last medication of the night at 11:00 PM.  I used to give it at midnight and recently I've been giving it at 11:30 PM.  I'll be able to go to sleep even earlier!  Thank You Lord!
Isaac enjoying a mud puddle

Thanks for your prayers!  We're looking forward to our Good Friday service tomorrow morning.



 John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

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