Sunday, 28 July 2013

Home Alone

Isaac and Graham went to church this morning and I stayed home, tired and feeling blah.  I think the blah and icky feelings are due to the pregnancy.  My stomach often feels like I shouldn't eat but then I always feel better after I eat something.  I'm not used to any pregnancy symptoms apart from tiredness but I'm thankful that mine are minor.

It was nice to be home alone.  I started a new grief book that a friend left for me.  It's very good.  I was able to cry a little this morning while reading it.

While visiting tonight, I happened to mention the name of the counsellor whom I think we may go and see.  The woman to whom I was speaking became so excited and said he was wonderful and she'd had him as a prof.  That was a nice little God-gift to hear that.  

It was nice to chat with a friend on the phone tonight.  

Isaac woke up early from his nap today and cried in my arms for a long time.  It's easy for me to hold him and rock him and try to comfort him, telling him that I love him and it will be alright -  but I wish my heart also broke as I held him or that I could cry with him as well.  I don't feel anything when it happens, even though I think he's crying for his brother. 

Here's Matt Hammitt's All of Me:

I'm tired.  Thanks so much for your prayers!



John 16:33

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”


  1. Elizabeth that song is so beautiful. It is exactly how you loved sweet Josiah. I never saw either you or Graham with him that I didn't think that very thing. Josiah had "all of you". You loved him devotedly and unreservedly. I know he was a gift to you but never doubt you were a gift to him as well. Rest now. You are loved by so many. xo

  2. Thank you for your words and the song. I was encouraged by the "background" which explained the circumstances behind the lyrics of the song. Although we all grieve in our own way, hearing the song made me aware that God is watching over each one of us.

    Our morning devotional together today was based on the verse from Revelation 1:7 "Behold, He is coming with clouds ..." So I pray that God will come to you, Graham, and Isaac however thick the clouds may appear. That you, like the three apostles on the mountain who saw, at first, Moses and Elijah speaking with Jesus, will also hear God speak to you from the cloud, that this is about Jesus. (Matthew 17:5 ... a voice out of the cloud said, "This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!) And I pray that, like the disciples, after the cloud, you will also hear Jesus say, ""Get up, and do not be afraid."

    God is clearly at work in you. He is with you! I am blessed by your faith and courage to keep trusting and believing him for each day of life's journey.

    Missing Josiah so much!


    Grandpa Ray
