Saturday, 20 July 2013

Washing machine troubles

Isaac is fast asleep in his own bed and I am typing this from my parent's spare bedroom.  I put on the washing machine tonight and it filled up with water and then stopped.  I looked at a few YouTube videos that showed me the potential problems but I suspect we'll just let a repair person send us a bill as fixing washing machines is not our forte.  So, I'm back at my parent's home to use their washing machine.  We are blessed.

Yes, we made the move back to our home around noon.  Isaac napped well and went to sleep easily tonight.  I'm hoping he'll start sleeping until a reasonable time again.

The three of us walked to the park tonight after supper and Isaac had lots of fun.  We have more freedom now to do things all together so we might as well use it.  I'm glad we spent time on the swing set in the backyard after supper with Josiah for a while.  Good memories.  I wish I could just close my eyes and really relive moments with him but it doesn't seem to work for me.  He's gone.  He's not here any more.

When Isaac woke up early this morning he said he'd heard a noise.  He told me again that it was God and Jesus.  The noise he demonstrated made me think that it was unlikely that it originated with God so I said that perhaps it was one of God's animals.  Isaac decided that it was a giraffe that had made the noise.

I think the wash is just about finished.  Thank you for your prayers!



Hebrews 12:2
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.


  1. Oh Elizabeth, you said about Isaac and the giraffe! The only teddy Eli was ever allowed in his incubator was a tiny giraffe called Peely and his twin sister faith had a giraffe called Waithy! When Eli died we placed faiths giraffe in his coffin and she kept his Peely! Last Thursday marked Elis 4th anniversary and we visited Dublin zoo. I had emailed them beforehand to ask if we could see the giraffes up close and explained the date etc! We actually got to feed Robin the daddy giraffe and they are expecting a baby giraffe in oct and asked if they could name it Eli ! I pray this makes you smile and maybe the two of us mummies can imagine our wee boys playing with Gods giraffes in heaven! X

  2. Sorry Elizabeth it's lynsey here, Reuben's wife forgot to put my name on the last message x
