Monday, 15 July 2013

In Josiah's Room

I'm typing from Josiah's room with the air conditioner on.  When I finish this post we'll head back to my parent's home to sleep in cool comfort.  Isaac should be sleeping soundly there.  I think two agencies came by today when we were out to pick up equipment.  So tonight I cleaned up Josiah's room and put everything back the way it belongs so that I could take photos before I say goodbye to these things.  I made up Josiah's bed so that I could just lay him down.  I even attached the DVD player to the bed.  Now I can say goodbye to his pole, suction machine, oximeter, oxygen concentrator and the eleven oxygen tanks (our home should be a little safer without these), as well as his Bumbo chair, other chair from the physiotherapist, feeding supplies, and medicines.

My dad just called and Isaac just woke up so we're heading back there now.

Thanks for your prayers!



Isaiah 55:12
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.


  1. Some things are just too hard for some days, Elizabeth, and so, we pray for the right "some days". May God's strength be your family's portion. We can still pray without ceasing, even as we did for Josiah. Praying for His Spirit to make each day significantly better all because we know Him. Much love.

  2. His grace knows no limit, His grace has no measure, His love has no boundary known unto men. But out of His infinite riches He giveth, and giveth and giveth again.
    Elizabeth, Graham, Isaac and little one on the way- may you know His grace, his love and may you receive it again and again.
    Praying for you, one day at a time.

  3. This post brought tears to my eyes. Then the verse at the bottom hit me, " ...led forth in peace..." And you are showing us how this happens, with each blog post, we see glimpses into your going forth. And peace. Praying.
