Saturday, 6 July 2013

Safe with Jesus

Josiah Nathanael Gabriel Faulkner
April 13, 2012 - July 6, 2013

The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.  (Job 1:21b)

It is with saddened hearts that we write to let you know that our sweet Josiah Nathanael Gabriel Faulkner died this morning, after a cardiac event.  We are grateful for the speedy response from the paramedics and firefighters, and for the care of the doctors and nurses after he arrived at Grand River Hospital.  He put up a valiant fight, but unfortunately he could not be resuscitated after prolonged attempts.

After he passed away we were able to spend some time with him, and our family from K-W and Listowel joined us at his room in Emergency, along with our pastor and his wife.  Josiah's incredible nurse also visited.  The hospital staff were so kind, and looked after our needs.  We are blessed to live in a community with such a great hospital with caring professionals.

We are also so thankful for the nearly 15 months we had with Josiah, and counted each day a special gift from God.  He was dearly loved by his family and so many friends around the world who prayed for a miracle.  Today he stepped into his miracle and now is completely pain free and in perfect peace.

We have cried many tears today, and they will continue to flow over the next days, weeks and months as we remember his impact on our lives.

Funeral arrangements are being made through Erb and Good Funeral Home in Waterloo.  We will meet with them on Monday morning to plan, with a funeral likely on Wednesday or Thursday of this week.  We will post details on the blog as we know more.

Thank you all for your prayers for Josiah and our family this past year and a half.  It is surreal to think that he is gone, but he will not be forgotten.  We ask for your continued prayers for our family as we walk through this next part of the journey.


Graham and Elizabeth

"I am the resurrection, and the life:  He that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." John 11:25


  1. Our hearts go out to you at this very difficult time. Josiah was a precious gift from God... with the cutest head of red curly hair. :) Praying you experience God's peace, perfect love and comfort.

    With love,
    Justin & Kristin

  2. Graham, Elizabeth and Isaac, we are so sorry. Our hearts break for your loss. These lyrics from a song by Casting Crowns come to my mind, so I thought I would share them with you.
    I will praise You in this storm, and I will lift my hands,
    for You are who You are, no matter where I am,
    and every tear I cry, You hold in Your hands,
    You never left my side, and tho my heart is torn...
    I will praise You in this storm.

  3. Dear Elizabeth and Graham,

    We are very saddened to read the sudden passing of Josiah, but we surely want to let you and your family know that you had a very beautiful brave baby who taught us so much about life. I totally admire the faith, the courage and perseverance all of you demonstrated all through these past many months. Your witnesses for God will never be forgotten.

    In our prayers,

    Jim and Loretta (Yiyi for the girls)

  4. I'm so very sorry for your loss. He is now in, the arms of Jesus. He had such a beautiful smile and I feel blessed to have been able to follow his story. You have touched the lives of so many by making your journey public. You have let so many see God glory through your beautiful child.
    Thank you for sharing.
    God bless you all

  5. We weep with you and are filled with sorrow for you and yours. God is so big and we are too little at times to understand everything He has placed before us. More later. Much love.

  6. Weeping with you guys tonight. Praying the God would hold you close and surround you with His peace with what we don't understand. You guys have been amazing parents to Josiah.

    Matt & Lisa

  7. Dear Graham and Elizabeth,

    I've only met you both a few times when you were in Toronto for care and to visit but I read you blog everyday and have prayed for both of you, Isaac and Josiah everyday. I cried today when I received the email saying Josiah had gone to be with Jesus. Josiah had a beautiful smile and brought much love to both of you and to Isaac and his extended family. Your faith, humility and honesty in the midst of a very challenging situation has been a real inspiration. I will continue to keep you all in my daily prayers. With love and compassion.

  8. Dear Graham and Elizabeth: Our hearts are so saddened to hear of your loss. We mourn with you and hold you in our hearts and prayers. May the God of all comfort surround you with his peace during this very difficult journey. You are loved. Randy & Giselle

  9. Todd and I are grieving with you today Graham and Elizabeth. Our hearts and our prayers are with you. You have inspired us deeply as we watched you walk through this incredible journey. We love you so much.

  10. Feeling for your family at this time Graham, Elizabeth, Isaac, thanks for sharing this time with us we felt closer, despite being far away. Our prayers are with you, like they've been so many time through these months . I know that that same love from God that kept you going will continue to fill you and bring you peace and joy at the exceptional journey you went through and the love you found having Josiah in your lives for a short time but a lifetime of memory, my love his with you
    Uncle Stephane

  11. Beloved Graham, Elizabeth and Isaac: We read your update with a very heavy heart tonight. Do accept our deepest condolence. May you find yourself firmly in the palm of God’s right hand every step of your walk along this challenging path. May the faith you have so abundantly shown in Him over the past months be your daily source of strength and comfort.

    With love and sympathy,
    Kingsley & Rosemond Fregene

  12. I've followed this blog for a good long while now and have found it so inspiring and loving. Peace be with your amazing family and so wonderful that you have such a dear little spirit looking out for you all from above.

    Love and light x


  13. Praying for you, Graham & Elizabeth. We don't understand so much of what happens in life, but I know that God will continue to uphold you, and I pray that His comfort will be with you in the coming days.
    Jai (Reid)

  14. I have been following the Story of Josiah everyday. I am so sad and my heart breaks for you and your famlies. Peter and I, as well as our girls, send you love and prayers. I am going to miss Josiah, even though I only knew him through your daily words and photos.

    Written by B.M. Franklin (1882-1965)

    My life is just a weaving
    Between my Lord and me.
    I cannot choose the colors
    He weaves so skillfully.
    Sometimes He weaveth sorrow
    And I in foolish pride
    Forget He sees the upper
    And I the underside.
    Not ‘til the loom is silent
    And the shuttles cease to fly
    Will God unroll the canvas
    And explain the reasons why-
    The dark threads are as needful,
    In The Weaver’s skillful hands
    As the threads of gold and silver
    In the pattern He has planned.

    Incredibly… He will come and stay and comfort and console and ….

  16. Grieving with you today, Graham and Elizabeth. Josiah’s journey, and your wonderful, tender care for him, has blessed us all so has your amazing strength and courage through all these months. God has been greatly glorified through your lives. Believing that His amazing grace will continue to carry you through and praying for all your family.

  17. My heart just fell when I read your post today. Sending love and hugs your way. May you find comfort in knowing that Josiah is resting in Jesus' arms. The pictures you have posted are so precious. Since both of our children are red heads I loved seeing Josiah's red curls. Praying for all of you and your extended family. Linda K.

  18. Praying comfort and peace over your family today, Graham and Elizabeth.
    Love, The Carney Family

  19. Allister and Jean7 July 2013 at 16:44

    Thinking and praying for you all,sending much love . Allister and Jean

  20. 15 months or 15 years it's never easy to let our child, a piece of us, journey home ahead of us...our hearts and prayers are with you... we testify and are assured of God's great love for you and His continued peace, grace and embrace. Love the Stewarts

  21. Graham and Elizabeth.
    So sorry to hear of Josiah's passing. We are praying with and for you. We didn't ever meet him but feel sad with you. May the God of peace sustain you. Love Paul and Kristin Williams.

  22. Our hearts are sad for your family today and we pray God's love, peace and strength for you as you walk through the difficult grieving process.
    With love, Uncle John and Aunt Sheila

  23. Uncle Frederick and Auntie Penny8 July 2013 at 14:52

    I had a dream about Josiah so clear he was walking talking /but he was here with us /God had another plan/ my dream came true he is walking and talking/ but not here were we can see him. He is walking on streets of GOLD. We will forever miss you and think of you often.May GOD be very to near you at this time love you guys .Auntie Penny and Uncle Frederick

  24. No words can truly express the sadness we feel as tears and heartfelt prayers are extended to you and your family. You'll always remember the joy Josiah brought you, and your faith in God will help bring peace to your hearts knowing he is at home with the Lord ready to meet you again one day. Praying for God's peace and love to surround and comfort you. Kathy H.

  25. Graham and Elizabeth- I don't know you all but being a parent myself but saw your story. I can't even imagine the grief you are feeling right now. My heart, love and prayers are with you all and know God is looking ever all of you. May you continue to have peace and ease through this process. Life is precious- embrace every day!!!

  26. Dear Elizabeth and Graham,
    My eyes filled with tears when I read this. I can't imagine how hard this journey has been. I pray for you today that God will fill you with perfect peace and give you joy as you know your precious baby boy is now pain free and in the arms of Jesus. Love, Sarah Bernard

  27. Dear Elizabeth and Graham,
    I am sad to hear about the tragic news. My prayers go out to you.

  28. He looked like a precious little boy, I am terribly sorry for your families loss. My prayers go out to your family.

  29. Dear graham and Elizabeth and of course Isaac,
    We both cried with you last week when little Josiah left this home! In our house Faith often asks when can she go and give Eli a hug? And no doubt all of you 3 will ask that question and all we can do is wait on Gods precious timing. Josiah had a mighty fight and no one could argue he has blessed your lives immensely never mind the lives of many all over the world. We will continue to carry you in our prayers, God bless you all and thank you for letting us share so bravely in your sons journey. Love Reuben and Lynsey, Faith and Rosie c
