Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Tickle his toes

It was one year ago today on July 31st that Josiah woke up crying and wouldn't stop.  I rushed him to the hospital where he ended up being intubated and then a team from SickKids came and transported us back.  We had no idea we'd be there until November 22.  God is so faithful.  He has guided us through this year.

We're going to meet the counsellor late Friday afternoon.  I would love it if he had a key to unlock my tears, heartache, and pain.  I've been reading other people's stories though and one mother really didn't start to mourn until nine months had passed. 

Isaac told me he was sad about Josiah today.  I asked him what he would like to do with Josiah if he were here.  He said he would tickle Josiah's toes and he told me that's what Daddy would want to do too.  Thus, we asked God to tickle Josiah for Isaac and Graham and to hold him for Mommy and we blew kisses to heaven, assuming God would direct them to Josiah. 

If one has cilantro and mint in the house, one really shouldn't miss the chance to make laab gai.  This may in fact be my favourite salad.  I first ate it in Chiang Mai, Thailand.  I do feel extra cool when I grind my chicken breasts in the food processor.  Unfortunately I don't know the difference between a green unripe papaya and a green ripe papaya so we couldn't have som tam (it takes an unripe papaya) and the recipe I found on Google for sticky rice in our rice cooker didn't match its advertising but ... the laab gai was quite tasty.

I had my first fresh peach of the season and it was delicious and juicy.   

Isaac was quite sad at lunch time.  We had decided we would eat our lunch outside but as soon as I stepped outside the rain started ... and so did Isaac's tears when I let him know our plans had changed. 

Thank you for your prayers!



Psalm 59:16
But I will sing of Your power;
Yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning;
For You have been my defense
And refuge in the day of my trouble.

1 comment:

  1. God knows everything, even when we don't know it about ourselves, He knows every tear and every moment of joy and peace. How sovereign and holy, He is. May His hand continually guide you each minute of each day, as He gently and lovingly watches over your family...Isaac, too. May God shower blessings on your household all wkd. Praying with much love.
