Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Spinach salad

I think Josiah had a good day though I was out and about for a lot of it.  I dropped Graham off and then had various errands. 

Isaac and I were just entering the library when we saw my mom on the other side of the door, coming out.  After we picked out some books and joined the summer reading club and another kids program on Tuesdays, Isaac decided he wanted to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house.  When I arrived there later, I learned that he'd also decided that he wasn't going to have a nap, but at least he had quiet time in a room.

Isaac told us at dinner that the spinach salad wasn't good for him.  We asked him why and he said it wasn't good for his tummy.  He told me with wide eyes this afternoon that I was his "Mom" and Daddy was his "Dad".  I am not planning to lose my "Mommy" title any time soon.

I've been able to keep up the tradition of going to the backyard after supper.  Josiah enjoys his swing and it's nice to be able to give him more fresh air before bed.  The nurse asked me where the DVD player was this morning.  I explained that we were trying not to use it.  I think he was fine without it so I'm very happy about that. 

My parents were impressed to see his sitting skills this afternoon.  It's so nice to see improvement.

I'm not sure if Isaac's going through some sort of a phase but he seems quieter and less social.  He didn't want to say hi to our nurse today and then we saw relatives at the library and he wouldn't say hi.  I was told that he was very quiet at the family get-together yesterday.  

Thanks for your prayers!



Proverbs 2:6
For the Lord grants wisdom!  From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

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