It's late. My washing machine works and it was just the lid switch which is what I was hoping it would be. Isaac is sleeping at Grandma and Grandpa's house tonight as Graham had a board meeting and I went to a Bible study. He was excited to go there. Isaac woke up just after 1:00 AM last night crying. He wanted to go to the potty. It was actually a little humorous. Isaac is often quite particular. He didn't want me to pick him up off the bed last night as he wanted to get down himself. So I just sat down and he crawled off the bed. Instead of getting off the side of the bed, he crawled right off the end of the bed head first. He was less than impressed. Thankfully his head and neck were fine. I eventually got him back to sleep and then headed back to Graham.
It wasn't a very eventful day but I did discover that I left Isaac's hat at the funeral home on Monday so I'll head there tomorrow to pick it up. I spent quite a bit of time hunting down emails today to try to contact the artists whose songs we used in the funeral to ask for their permission to post the video of the funeral online. That made me cry a little - writing that my son had died. I'm hoping the emails actually make their way to the artists and that they respond soon.
We're going to head to Listowel tomorrow night.
I heard today from a knowledgeable source that parents whose children die often go through an extended time of being numb. I think I've come to terms with it now. I know I'm not in denial so I'll take this peace bubble as a gift from God and trust Him to let the pain in at the right time. We think we're going to try out a local counsellor who was recommended to us and eventually a group grief group that we've heard good things about.
Thanks for your prayers.
Romans 12:12
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
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