Monday, 8 July 2013


I was able to get a little more sleep last night so I thank God for that.  I'm tired so this won't be the novel from yesterday.  I was able to hold it together easily for the meeting at the funeral home and the cemetery.  Erb & Good funeral home is amazing.  They completely cover all internal expenses for a child's funeral.  It's incredibly generous and a huge blessing.  One should not have to plan their child's funeral. 

Isaac hung out with his aunt and cousin today and had a good time.

One should not have to go shopping for their child's funeral.  I have a little free advice for you.  If someone says to you, "It's hard to know what to wear to your child's funeral," your response (when you realize that the person's child has died) should not be, "Don't worry, you're still young."  I realize that people don't know what to say at times like this but that line is really not a winner.  Thankfully they said it to Graham and I was in the change room.  He didn't respond.  We joked about it but I thought this would be a good public service announcement to make on the blog.  (I'm hoping this paragraph doesn't sound mean.)

There was a message on the answering machine when we returned.  The pharmacy was calling because they had received some information about Josiah but they didn't realize what had happened so I called them back to let them know and that was a little hard.  A few minutes later the owner (one of the pharmacists) called back.  He was so kind as he offered his condolences.  Beechwood Wellness Pharmacy has been very good to us and they liked to ask how Josiah was doing.  Another one of the pharmacists called us later as well.

In my perfect plan I was going to be able to go to my hairdresser on Thursday morning but I called and she's not there then.  Things like this set off the tears, not because there's anything wrong or unexpected about a hairdresser not being available but just because I'm fragile right now.  I said the tears were set off but I should have said the flood waters opened.  As I'm typing I feel fine but I know that the sadness and pain are not far from the surface if I chose to open the door.  

We have ice cream each July 8th as this was the due date for our first baby.  We actively remember that baby with traditions twice a year.  It was different this year to remember that baby while grieving the loss of Josiah.  I've talked to Isaac about this baby in the past but Graham wisely thought we shouldn't include him in our tradition this year as it would be confusing given all that's happened with Josiah.  Graham told me he asked again to see Baby Josiah this evening.

I need to go through my various lists and make plans for what needs to happen these next couple of days.
Again, we are so thankful that the funeral isn't until Thursday as it means there is a little time to cry in between doing things.

Oh yes, the details and obituary can be found on the Erb & Good website.  The visitation will take place at the funeral home on Wednesday from 2-4 and 6-8 and the funeral service will take place at Waterloo Pentecostal Assembly this Thursday at 10:30 AM. 

I found this video a few weeks ago.  This was my prayer for both of my boys:

Thank you so much for your prayers for our family.  We've so appreciated your emails and comments.  Thank you!  



Psalm 116:15
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.


  1. “We rejoice in hope of
    The glory of God”
    (Romans 5:2)

    What a blessing Josiah was to all of us. Oh how much we loved him. The joy of our hearts. We know God makes no mistakes, be it in his birth or in his death. Everything that concerned him was for the glory of God who alone is worthy of all praise, adoration and honour.
    He may be gone from us into the presence of his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, but the impact of his little life will continue to be experienced in the outliving of our Christian faith. Because of his condition he sent us into the study of God’s word; to our knees in seeking God’s help and purpose; to a complete trust and total dependence on God, forcing us to know God in a more complete way.
    Heavenly Father we give you thanks for the gift of life you gave Josiah and for your eternal salvation and purpose that he has received. We praise you for watching over him during his earthly life and for the strength you imparted to him day by day. For all your mercy, love, grace, and for your presence and peace that was always there.

    Let the Lord have His way, in your life every day,
    There’s no rest there’s no peace, until the Lord has his way.
    Place your life in His hand, rest secure in His plan.
    Let the lord, let the Lord have His way.
    J.M. Henson

    We are blessed whether weeping at the tomb or sleeping in it.
    C. H Spurgeon.

    Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad in You;
    Let such as love Your salvation say continually,
    “The LORD be magnified!” Ps 40:16

    Grandpa Lucas

  2. Dear Graham and Elizabeth,
    I just found out on facebook of what has happened, I wish I had been able to follow along as you blogged your experience in loving such a special little boy. May God give you His peace that is beyond understanding as you go through these next days, weeks and months.

    Miriam (Wiebe) Yiannakis

  3. Graham and Elizabeth,
    Thank for sharing again today. Your public service announcement as you have called it is very appropriate. Sometimes people feel they need to say something when they should probably stay silent.

    Praying for continued comfort through your sorrow and tears. May you continue to feel God's arms around you as He comforts you.

    So glad that Isaac is able to spend time with extended family at this time.

    Blessings to all of you today.

    Linda K.

  4. Good morning Faulkner family. Angela reminded me yesterday of a passage in the Bible that we turn to at times when we question God. And there are definitely times we question Him. It is in the book of Job, chapter 38. I especially like vs. 1, and 4.
    "Then the Lord answered Job out of the storm. He said ... Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand." I find such power, and comfort from these words.
    On a more practical note, please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Shalom.

  5. That song brought tears to my eyes. I still often remember the baby I lost, as well and wonder what they would have looked like. They would have been around 23 years old now.
    I'm so glad that you are able to cry, even though it is tiring. Tears are part of the healing process.
    We love you guys so much and are praying constantly for all of you.

    Aunt Sandra, Uncle Bill, Rachelle, Chandelle, Jay and Isabelle

  6. I'm on holidays in Collingwood but have my Playbook to check emails and Facebook. I got the news about Josiah on Saturday and last night I got news of another baby's death. Mya was the daughter of our neighbour and suffered from SMA for 8 months since birth.I have prayed weekly for these wee souls and was saddened by their passing. And yet, part of me rejoices in knowing that my prayers and the prayers of many, many others added hours, days and months to their lives. Our prayers helped to uplift each family and provide strength to run the race with resilence and faith and hope and love. Both mothers were courageous and nuturing with each new challenge and direction.It is a testimony to the power of prayer and the power of just loving on each other. Both of these actions release God's presence. My devotion yesterday from "Pray for Me" by Kenneth H. Carter states: In intercession...we are invited to cooperate in the work of God's grace. We are called into alignment in the unfolding will of God...Prayer releases an energy that is not present otherwise."
    Your story is also a story of witnessing and giving testimony about our God. Just think how many careworkers, medical personnel, neighbours, friends, acquaintances, etc. witnessed your walk. Again I say I am humbled by your example and excited by its impact on others. I am going to share your Blog with my neighbour who has just lost a child like you. Mothers' hearts grieve deeply over their children. I know your story can be a comfort to her. Your Blog needs to be a book and that's how God will use this story for His glory. Loving on you and praying for all of you as this week unfolds.


  7. Our sincere, heartfelt condolences to Elizabeth, Graham and Issac. Our hearts go out to the Faulkner and Lucas families. We only knew Josiah and his little happy face from your blog. We prayed for him and you every day and we will continue to hold you in our prayers. God bless you and keep you in His arms.

    Jim and Susan Ridout

  8. Praying for each of you, and grandparents and family members, but especially for Isaac, believing in God to protect his young mind and heart re: his thoughts and ideas. God's love is surrounding you every minute. Much love

  9. Amanda and I have been praying for you guys. I didn't know what to say because we're heart broken for you guys. The verse that always comes to mind when things seem un-understandable:

    "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Issiah 55:8-9

    God Bless,
    Amanda and Jason
